Community Benefits
At the November 5 City Council meeting, the City Manager will request an appropriation of $5,000,000 for Community Benefits grants. Once this appropriation is made, the planning grant RFP can be released. The Community Benefits grant process will occur in two phases: a 6-month Planning Phase; and a 3-year Implementation Phase. The Community Benefits Advisory Committee (CBAC) will select and recommend to the City Manager up to five partnerships to receive a 6-month planning grant. These grants will provide partnerships with up to $30,000 to formulate and refine their approach, culminating in the development of a Plan for Implementation. At the completion of the planning period, CBAC will review Plans for Implementation and recommend to the City Manager, up to five partnerships for funding. Grants will be up to $750,000 per partnership, distributed over a 3-year period. Learn more here. Comments are closed.