Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Cambridge Women's Center: CNC Member Feature10/25/2022
Every month, CNC sheds a spotlight on one of our fabulous nonprofit members. To be featured, please email Elena ([email protected]). What are the Cambridge Women's Center's guiding values? The Cambridge Women's Center is a physical and digital community space open to anyone for whom woman is a meaningful identifier or lived experience. We offer a safe space for learning, emotional support, empathy, and empowerment through self-determination. What are the ongoing programs or services that Cambridge Women's Center provides? Cambridge Women's Center's low-threshold Drop-In Program offers a range of free services to meet the varied and individual circumstances of those in our community. We offer unrestricted access to a community kitchen stocked with nutritious food options; material support including survival supplies, toiletries, T-passes, and more; a clothing donation area; computers with 1-1 volunteer support; a resource database with information on health, legal, housing, and other services; a lending library; and common spaces for relaxation and conversation. Volunteers are available to help with referrals, applications, emotional support, material assistance, and childcare while participants are attending support groups. Cambridge Women's Center offers a wide variety of weekly, monthly, and occasional support groups and workshops. Some groups are open to all, while others are open only to those with lived experience (such as survivors of sexual violence, those with addictions, or with a physical illness). Group programming fosters healing, offers support, assists in developing community, and offers information so that participants may make informed decisions. Each month, a calendar of groups is posted on our [Cambridge Women's Center's] website, https://www.cambridgewomenscenter.org/ What fictional character do you think best represents Cambridge Women's Center and/or the work that you Mighty Mouse; we are small and fierce! Are there any upcoming projects or events that Cambridge Women's Center would like others to know about?
Thanksgiving Feast and Winter Feast are upcoming! Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor our building on Pleasant Street is being fully renovated and will be completed in Summer of 2023. |