Every month, CNC sheds a spotlight on one of our fabulous nonprofit members. To be featured, please email Elena ([email protected]). What are your organization’s guiding values? We're committed to ensuring that extraordinary programming is fully accessible regardless of a family's financial means. Our program development is directly in response to under-met needs identified through local assessments and community-based discussion. While offering new experiences and building skills are important aspects of our programs, strong positive relationship, shared joy, and a sense of belonging in diverse, inclusive communities are at the core of "camp" experiences. Q. What are the ongoing services or programs that your organization provides? A. In the summer we offer:
If your organization was an emoji what would it be and why? Our work is best represented by the care emoji; relationships are at the core of our work for their power to help people heal and the ways they allow all of us and our community to find joy and connection. Share a recent story that embodies the work of your organization.
Tevis struggled through second grade. Academically he excelled, but he was often overwhelmed, frustrated or angry. He showed similar behaviors in his first week at Daybreak. Then he found a friend. He found the kind of friend who waited out hard moments and tried to offer support, and one that needed Tevis' help to handle when a game was not going as he had hoped. Tevis met counselors who were able to anticipate and help him navigate challenging situations and were readily available for running breaks, volleyball breaks, any kind of break that he could release some of his boundless energy. There were sometimes challenging moments, but no longer difficult days. In late fall his mother wrote, "I have spoken to so many people to let them know that sending Tevis to Daybreak was probably one of the best choices I've made for him by far. He has been using his coping skills and displaying positive action during very stressful situations. I am so thankful for this program. Keep up the excellent work. What you are doing is truly a game changer." Are there any upcoming projects or initiatives that your organization would like others to know about? Our programs continue to develop and grow. On these sunny days, we are, of course, excited for the summer and the experiences that 500 campers will have at
What would your families say about their experiences? "The staff and the programming were amazing. Both children were hesitant to start and both cried when it was over. THEY LOVED IT." “Any child would benefit from attending Daybreak. And kids who struggle with social, emotional and/or behavioral challenges will succeed and enjoy their summer. Perhaps for the first time. That was our experience and we will always be grateful." “Our children have been attending CADC for 7 years and LOVE the camp and the staff. I wish they would let me go on field trips too!" "I was impressed beyond my imagination with the What's Cooking program ... Thank you for lighting curiosity and a love of cooking in our children." |