Nonprofits still operating in-person
Child Care
Domestic Violence — support & shelters
Food Distribution
Senior Care
Nonprofits providing remote support
Education & Arts
Housing & Homelessness
Legal & Health Services
News & Media
Senior Care
Small Business — support
Sexual Assault & Abuse — support
Child Care
- East End House -- operating an Exempt Emergency Child Care Program for essential workers and vulnerable families. providing drop-in child care services for children from 15 months to 13 years of age, Monday-Friday, 7:30a-5:30p.
Domestic Violence — support & shelters
- Transition House — 24/7 hotline, 617.661.7207 and shelter are fully operational.
Food Distribution
- East End House -- Emergency Food and Infant Necessities Program: Tuesdays 1p-3p and Fridays 10:30a-12:30p.
- Food For Free — providing weekly home delivery of groceries (produce and shelf-stable foods) to individuals and families lacking the resources to access food. Partnering with Cambridge Public Schools to distribute breakfast and lunch to kids impacted by school closures.
- Margaret Fuller House — food pantry is still operating during regular hours, Wednesdays 5p-7:30p, Thursdays 2p-5p, Fridays 9a-12p, Sundays 11a-2p, near Central Sq.
- Material Aid and Advocacy Program — distributing food: Tuesdays and Thursdays, outside of Harvard Sq.
- St. Paul Parish — food pantry is distributing free bags of groceries: 10a-12p, Saturdays, Harvard Sq.
Senior Care
- Cambridge Neighbors — working to provide resources and support to adults age 60 and older in the greater Boston area, such as door-to-door grocery shopping, transportation, assistance with technology and more.
Nonprofits providing remote support
Education & Arts
- BioBuilder — cultivating an online learning community for teams of students who want to design biotechnologies and providing educational materials for high school life science and engineering.
- Breakthrough Greater Boston — providing resources and tailored support to current Breakthrough middle school and high school students, with a focus on academics and college access.
- Cambridge Community Center for the Arts — providing our virtual/online/remote/live teaching and rehearsal facilitation services and technological infrastructure (and also our physical facility, except during the non-essential business shutdown period) to our artist faculty, as well as artists from other organizations whose facilities/operations have closed. Most virtual classes are archived and shared. Working at cost, with most funds going to the artists and to infrastructure development.
- Cambridge Community Center — working to provide resources and support for community members, including mostly families with school-age kids qualify for free/reduced lunch, and over 1,000 seniors.
- Passim — facilitating live streaming concerts as a source for entertainment and to financially support musicians and employees.
Housing & Homelessness
- Solutions at Work — helping people who are homeless or need food, shelter, computers. Arranging temporary shelter solutions when necessary.
- YWCA Cambridge — providing help with housing questions 617.491.6055, by phone only.
Legal & Health Services
- Cambridge WIC Program — providing free nutrition programs to families, pregnant women, infants and new moms, for services call Windsor St office 617.665.3758 or North Cambridge office 617.575.5370.
- Community Dispute Settlement Center — providing mediation services to help people address a broad range of conflicts, call 617.876.5376 or email [email protected].
- De Novo — those in need of legal or counseling services, call the Intake and Referral Line at 617.661.1010, 9a-5p, Monday through Friday. Staff and volunteers continue to meet with clients by video/conference call. In conjunction with the City of Cambridge, De Novo is setting up a virtual Immigrant Rights Screening Clinic with a hotline.
- Rian Immigrant Center — legal clinics are now phone consultations. Anyone concerned about immigration status should call 617.542.7654.
News & Media
- Cambridge Community Television — posting newly created media and hosting critical town halls with elected officials.
Senior Care
- Paine Senior Services -- providing case management, counseling, and advocacy services for Cambridge seniors and their families, call 617.864. 2580.
Small Business — support
- Cambridge Local First -- providing a wide array of support to small businesses. And educating the public and government about the significant environmental, economic, and cultural benefits of a strong local economy.
Sexual Assault & Abuse — support
- Boston Area Rape Crisis Center — providing remote services hotline by phone, 800.841.8371 and webchat.